Vision For Our State
A strong proponent of limited government who serves with common-sense and shares the values of Minnesotans
Equal funding to ensure a high quality education for all Minnesota students
A safe learning environment for all students to grow and prosper. Read my bill H.F. 850
Greater access to child care services and holding providers to a high standard of care. Read my bill H.F. 61
Improved access to quality, affordable healthcare, especially for those of us in Greater Minnesota
Increased access to dental care in greater Minnesota through incentive programs and public-private partnerships . Read my bill H.F. 620
Elimination of the social security tax
Greater investment in apprenticeship and career and technical education. Read the bill I co-author 4302
Shift the reliance on unemployment insurance and focus on workforce and development training for those out of work
Public Safety:
Support all of our law enforcement, first responders, and military
Implement proven community policing programs that fosters a relationship of mutual respect and service